First, get a good look at the actual
space. If you plan on hiring staff or running a one person operation,
you still need to be conscious of how you function within your space.
Serious young entrepreneurs need their home offices to reflect their
goals. I should've done some design homework before setting up a
completely dysfunctional home office. Designing a home office with Feng
Shui is a little complicated, but a very cool and practical approach to
design. For optimal Feng Shui harmony, if you're interior allows for a
separate entry to your office, go with it. A clear separation between
work and home should be your first choice. Think of health, well-being
and productivity for color palettes.

New Home Designs
yellows and soft whites are popular choices because they're motivating
colors, but not distracting or disruptive. Poor lighting and air
quality will affect the quality of your work. Ample natural lighting
and an open window feeds your brain! Full spectrum lights and air
purifying plants can help beef up your lighting and air quality. Once
your design has been developed, you can then begin to have the plans
drafted by an architect who will be able to construct your home as you
designed it. You can take great pride in this home because it is your
vision and dream. However, you cannot assume that this home will go up
overnight. Planning to design your own home can take even longer than it
takes to build your own home from a pre-drawn design. You should have
in mind that this is a lengthy and ongoing project but it is a project
that will fill you with joy and pride once it is completed.

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