Architecture of SOF Hotel J Mayer H Architects and OVOTZ design

Located in Krakow, Poland, SOF is a new hotel was designed by collaboration Berlin architects J Mayer H, Krakow practice OVOTZ Design Lab and GD&K Consulting. The building structure is clad in aluminium with windows framed by dark horizontal bands across the facade. The hotel is being constructed in the city centre, at the intersection of important transport routes. The hotel is located in the vicinity of the planned Congress Centre as well as near to the Wawel Castel and the histrorical Jewish district.

It offers splendid views onto the old city center. The new property is characterized by clear horizontal line, picking out the panorama-view as a central theme. The Facade is emphasized by black and white aluminium stripes, separated by dark glass windows.

visit the site : arnewde

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